I`m Khaled ILYES

Web Developer

Working as a Freelancer In Upwork, Symfony and Wordpress expert with 6 years of professional experience, I working with clients around the globe.

Last Work

About Me

Freelancer - Web Developer - UI/UX Designer

I am Khaled Ilyes, I`m Working as A Freelancer With Many companies around the world also in my country. I Can develop complicated application with Symfony and WordPress.

i`ve experience on Adobe Programs so i build what i want on my projects. I`ve big experience on Digital marketing and mangment i use this experience on my projects so you got final professional result.

My Services


Build Theme From scratch, Developing Your theme, Build Custom plugins, Optmize Your theme, Fix Issuse.

Web Development

Build Applications Using Symfony (PHP,Webpack,Mysql,Graphql), Develop Dashboards and Customs needs.

React Js

Im a beginner in React, i trying to build applications from scratch use Redux, Hooks and GraphQl

My Work

  • All
  • Web Development
  • WordPress
  • React JS

Contact Me

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